Raise the Stakes! 13 Writing Ideas that Really Work http://ift.tt/1IZxmsa @copyblogger #blogging #AutoTweet


Never forget that the formula for writing for the web is simple: it must be clear, concise, and compelling. We’ve covered how to make it clear and concise. Let’s look at what it really takes to make it compelling.

Yesterday, we saw how you can make copy compelling by raising the stakes with cancer and death.

Today, we are going to expand on that with a total of 13 tips. But ultimately, every single one of these tips boils down to this: show your readers something they want — and then threaten it.

In this 10-minute episode of Rough Draft with Demian Farnworth, you’ll discover tips that:

  • Threaten their lifestyle
  • Threaten their security or privacy
  • Torment their vanity
  • Put public safety at risk
  • Drum up impending doom
  • Spook them with a headline
  • And so much more!!!
Click Here to Listen to
Rough Draft on iTunes
Click Here to Listen on Rainmaker.FM
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Rainmaker.FM is the premier digital commerce and content marketing podcast network. Get on-demand digital business and marketing advice from experts, whenever and wherever you want it.

The post Raise the Stakes! 13 Writing Ideas that Really Work appeared first on Copyblogger.

from Copyblogger http://ift.tt/1IZxmsa